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To Stir Things Up and to Throw Someone Under The Bus

To Stir Things Up and to Throw Someone Under The Bus

Welcome to one more video, today I will talk about two fun expressions and some examples of how to use them.

First we have the verb STIR: it can be to MOVE, AGITATE OR MIX, some other meanings include to PROVOKE, ENERGIZE, INSTIGATE, ENCOURAGE, INCITE AND STIMULATE.

The verb STIR is widely used in cooking:
-To STIR the eggs
- STIR all the ingredients together until the mixture is ready
NOTE: To STIR FRY is what we know in Spanish as SALTEAR, “Stir fry vegetables are very common in Asian cooking”.

Now this expression STIR UP / STIR THINGS UP means to provoke someone or something, in a good or bad way, let’s see how it works:

-        Social media is often used to mislead people spreading fake news, most of them are merely rumors to STIR UP trouble and confusion.
-        My husband came home saying he already bought our children their presents for Christmas, I told him he should stop STIRRING THINGS UP with the kids, I don’t want them to get too excited!
-        My brother broke up with his girlfriend, I am going to talk to her to find out why, or maybe I won’t STIR SHIT UP, I don’t want drama in my life.
-        It was my dream that STIRRED UP my thoughts so I had to change my decision

Let’s see the verb Throw: it is basically to PROPEL something through the air (throw a ball, throw trash, throw a towel, and throw a coin for good luck, etc.)
Throwing someone under the bus is basically what we know in Spanish as: ECHAR A ALGUIEN A LA OLLA, which means to blame someone, ACCUSE, or to say the wrong thing at the wrong moment about yourself or someone else.

-        Ben THREW ME UNDER THE BUS, he told my mom I wasn’t at the library yesterday, now she knows I went to the skate park instead!
-        Why would you THROW MARGARET UNDER THE BUS? I thought you were good friends, she will get hurt if you tell anyone her secret!
-        I wish I hadn’t THROWN MY COWORKER UNDER THE BUS with my boss, now I won’t have anyone to help me when I need to leave work earlier!
-        Are you really going to THROW US UNDER THE BUS? We won’t be the only ones in trouble, you will be THROWING YOURSELF UNDER THE BUS as well you DUMB ASS!


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My Name is Yicel, I am a proud Colombian that has been traveling around for the last 5 years, I work remotely in digital advertising, my job allows me the freedom to enjoy the outdoors, engage in different activities and pretty much have a happy and awesome life.  During my journey and the time I've spent in the US I have improved my English skills, and I have learnt a lot about American Culture, overall Californian culture.  At this point of my life I feel like I can share some of the knowledge and fun stuff I've come across, I plan on keeping things simple, I don't have a specific goal by doing this, I just want to make it enjoyable for those who read me and watch my videos, of course I want to be part of a learning process that takes time and love and became one of my biggest passions during my teenager years: ENGLISH!

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